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Direct Booking

Book with us and save!

Discover all the advantages

Booking directly has always many advantages! Reserve your room here on our website or contact us, we are here for you!

The art of never paying a full price

  • We have a best price guarantee policy: you will always find the best prices on our website with the same services as on any other website!
  • Should you register for our newsletter, you get immediately a 5% discount on your first booking!
  • From your second reservation you qualify for our regular guest programme and therefore you always enjoy a 10% discount!
  • Flexible cancellation: up to 14 days before arrival you can cancel free of charge, the deposit paid will either be transferred to your bank account or kept for a future reservation, as it is best for you!
  • Quick and easy booking: it takes only 2 minutes and the room is yours! 
  • Do you have a question or need assistance? Contact us, we are here for you to help and book you in!
  • Any wish? Obviously we can be more flexible here on site with any request of yours, whether it’s an extra bed, a pet or the change of your umbrella! Tell us, we will always find a solution!
  • Don’t have a credit card so the websites don’t allow you to book? We will find another way to secure your booking.
  • Would you like to add half board or full board that are not present on the websites? Our board is really convenient: 3-3 courses with a choice from the menu, very flexible hours, mineral water included, discounts for children!


  • Beach service: 1 umbrella, 1 sun bed and 2 sunchairs
  • Parking space, if you need a space larger than a standard size car please let us know
  • Breakfast
  • Wifi
  • Air conditioning

Contact us! We will reply as soon as possible, Thanks!


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